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  • Biodiversity and Nature

    la biodiversité dans le vignoble Champalou

    The vineyard as a whole is interconnected: our vineyard is managed as one piece of the puzzle that is an ecosystem. This is why we are implementing various alternative methods in order to promote and develop the biodiversity of our vineyard's heritage.

    We have obtained the HVE (High Value Environmental) certification. It is an “environmental certification for agricultural enterprises that respond to the needs of environmentally friendly practices.”

    “This certification is a voluntary process, accessible to all sectors and built around four environmental themes: the protection of biodiversity, a phytosanitary strategy, fertilization management and water management.”



    protection de la biodiversité

    The nesting boxes for chickadees and bats allow us to facilitate the establishment of these species, which are invaluable aids for the winemakers in the fight against certain pests.

    1. Didier installs the nesting boxes for chickadees. Didier and Cristobal set up the boxes for bats.
    2. We plant flowery fallows (staggered flowering mellifera) in our parcelles that are resting and on the borders of parcelles to give a space to auxiliary insects. 
    3. We also install shrub hedges for the same purpose of improving an ecosystem for auxiliary insects.

    In Vernou, where our vineyard is bordered by a forest, we partner with a beekeeper who plants around forty beehives each the spring.

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